Templates da Lua


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quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2008

But I swear

Did I? I did. I admit it.
You have all the right to be angry with me.
But I swear, I won`t do it anymore cause you`re too important,
you`re the right when everything`s wrong, why was I so stupid, I don`t know...
Please, forgive me when I say I`m sorry...

Don`t cry, I don`t deserve it. Just look at me and say you`re coming back.
I`ll try to be a better person tha I was before cause before I didn`t have you
I didn`t know what to do, I was so lost without you here
and even when you arrived I was so blind
couldn`t see what was just in front of me, but now I see
and I want you back, you back right here
and if I say the words you want me to say
will you think again
and forgive me for all that I`ve done.

Did I? I did. I admit it.
I was a fool when you were so good to me but I
I could get down on my knees if you want me to
just to have you back with me
I need you, I need you, I need you
I love you, I love you, I`m so sorry but I swear

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