Templates da Lua


Templates da Lua - templates para blogs
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domingo, 5 de outubro de 2008

"I'm freaking out.", ihe said taking the last pill.
"Isn't it what it's supposed to do?", she asked, calmly.
"Yes, but I didn't think it would be so heavy."
"With two and a half pills, it's certain to be heavy"
"I really don't know what to do now"
"Just relax and enjoy it"
"This is crazy. This is fucking crazy"
"You think?"
"Yeah. Fucking crazy"
"I don't" she laughed "I really don't"
"Tell me what to do now"
"I just told you"
"Tell me again. Tell me another thing to do. Tell me..."
"Kiss me"
"Kiss me. Let's fuck"
"This is the pills talking"
"It's not. I've never been more sane"
"You're crazy"
"I'm not. I really am not"
"Make me"
"Kiss you"
"I don't want to"
"Come on..."
"Let's fuck"
"I've lost the will to"
"Stop playing with me"
"I'm not. I don't want it anymore. You're too lame. Not corageous. I don't wanna fuck you, don't wanna kiss you, or love you anymore. I'm going now. Bye."
He said disturbed "What?"